Please try our new Android App xRates + DIY Currency Indexes
One Browser Page, Multi Website, RSS and Google Gadget; Similar to iGoogle; Continue to use Google Gadgets on our website

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Browsing Multi Websites, RSS and Google Gadgets on a Browser Page

Now, users may browse multi websites and RSS feeds on a browser page via our website. People can also embed their Google Gadgets if they have the URL of the gadget's XML. This is an easy way to continue to use their Google Gadgets without any changes on their gadget's XML. For the convenience, we list some popular websites, RSS feeds and most of our gadgets in the "Page Directory".

Please go to our website to check this new function and give us some comments. Thanks!

現在通過我們的網頁,用戶可以在一個瀏覽器頁面,同時瀏覽多個網頁和RSS Feeds。人們也可以嵌入他們的Google小工具,只要他們有小工具的XML的網址。不用在小工具的XML做任可改變,就可繼續使用小工具,非常簡易。為了方便,我們在"頁面目錄"列出了一些熱門網頁、RSS Feeds和大部份我們的小工具。


Saturday, August 10, 2013

New Android App: xRates + DIY Currency Indexes

"xRates + DIY Currency Indexes" is our first android application. There are more that 20 currencies, including major currencies: US Dollar, Australia Dollar, British Pound, Canadian Dollar, Chinese Yuan, Euro, Hong Kong Dollar, Japanese Yen, New Zealand Dollar and Swiss Franc. Users can choose to display all or a few currencies. Application shows the changes of exchange rates of the currencies in a period of time, and giving the ranks of the changes. It includes the rate conversion, cross rates and US Dollar Index.

Besides, it allows users to make DIY currency indexes. Users can customize base currency, base point, component currencies and weights; then compare with the data on the base date in order to calculate the average of changes. DIY currency index is that the base point multiplies the average of changes.

Users can go to check the historical data charts (rates, relative changes and average changes on our website via the shortcut in the application, which allow users observe the trend of exchange rates easier.

Please check the application and give us some feedbacks. Thanks!

"交叉匯率 + DIY貨幣匯率" 是我們首個Android應該程式。這裡有超過20隻貨幣,包括主要貨幣: 美元、澳元、英鎊、加元、人民幣、歐羅、港元、日元、紐元、瑞郎,用戶可以選擇顯示全部或部分貨幣。應用程式會顯示貨幣在一段時間裡的變化,並給予變化排名。它包含有轉換匯率功能、顯示交叉匯率和美匯指數。


我們的網站有歷史數據圖表: 匯率、相對變動和平均變動,用戶可通過應用程式捷徑前往,更容易觀察匯率走勢。


Friday, May 31, 2013

More Calculations for Stock Indexes

People may want to know the changes of high/low and the volatility of a stock index when investing. For convenience, we've done these calculations for you. These information will be shown when moving mouse pointer onto the stock index on our finance web.


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Add More Video Sizes

We've added different dimensions of the "Video Size" for "MEDIA - YouTube Videos" and Gadget "YouTube Video Search". Users can choose one fit their monitor.

我們剛為 "媒體資訊 - 影片" 和 小工具 "YouTube 影片搜尋" 加入多個不同的視頻尺寸,好讓用戶選擇最適合他們的顯示器的尺寸。

Thursday, March 28, 2013

New Data in Gadgets: "Investman" and "Assoc Finance - A + H Shares"

Number of A + H shares has been increased to 82 in Gadgets "Investman" and "Assoc Finance - A + H Shares".

小工具 "Investman" 和 "Assoc Finance - A + H 股" 的 A+H 股增加至82隻。

Friday, February 1, 2013

New Data in Gadget: G.Finance - Shenzhen Stocsks (Real-time)

We've updated the stocks for "G.Finance - Shenzhen Stocks (Real-time)". There are more than 1500 stocks (A-Shares and B-Shares).

我們剛更新了小工具 "G.Finance – 深圳股票(即時)",A股和B股合共超過1500隻。

Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Data in Gadget: G.Finance - Shanghai Stocsks (Real-time)

We've updated the stocks for "G.Finance - Shanghai Stocks (Real-time)". There are more than 950 stocks (A-Shares and B-Shares).

我們剛更新了小工具 "G.Finance - 上海股票(即時)",A股和B股合共超過950隻。

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year !

Hi, everybody! Hope you all have an enjoyable Christmas and a happy New Year !

In coming year, we’re planning to publish our Android apps and add more services on our website. Hope people will support us!


新一年,我們計劃發佈我們的 Android 程式及在我們的網站加入更多服務。希望各位會支持我們!

Monday, November 12, 2012

New Data in Gadgets: "Investman" and "Assoc Finance - A + H Shares"

Number of A + H shares has been increased to 78 in Gadgets "Investman" and "Assoc Finance - A + H Shares", including CMOC.

小工具 "Investman" 和 "Assoc Finance - A + H 股" 的 A+H 股增加至78隻,包括洛陽鉬業。

Wednesday, October 3, 2012