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Thursday, April 15, 2010

New Facebook Apps: G.Finance and Quoteman

G.Finance is using Gadget G.Finance - "China Stock Market Indices", "Shanghai Stocks" and "Shenzhen Stocks" as its main contents.

Quoteman is using Gadget Quoteman - "World Indices", "Commodities & Futures", and "HSI & HSCEI Forecast" as its main contents.

G.Finance 使用小工具 G.Finance - "中國股指", "上海股票" 和 "深圳股票" 來作為其主內容。

Quoteman 使用小工具 Quoteman - "世界指數", "商品期貨" 和 "恒指和國企預測" 來作為其主內容。