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One Browser Page, Multi Website, RSS and Google Gadget; Similar to iGoogle; Continue to use Google Gadgets on our website

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Settings & Data Storage of Gadgets

When using iGoogle, settings and data will be stored at iGoogle page. If you're logging in with your Google account, you can bring your own settings and data everywhere with your Google account.

If you add our gadgets to your own website and allow changes for your users. Please change "Settings & Data Storage" to "Browser" (store settings and data at browser). This will allow each user having their own settings, but not change your default settings.

當使用 iGoogle,設定資料會儲存在 iGoogle 網頁。如果你使用 Google 帳戶,你可以把你個人的 iGoogle 設定帶到任何地方。

如果你想把我們的小工具添加到你的網頁,並允許你的用戶變更設定資料,請把 "Settings & Data Storage" 改為 "Browser" (把設定資料儲存在瀏覽器)。這將允許每個用戶擁有自己的個人設置,但又不會改變你的預定設置。