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Saturday, January 30, 2010

New Gadget: Dynamic Feeds

New Gadget Dynamic Feeds has released. It is a rolling feed reader. It will display each entry in a feed one by one automatically. There are three display modes "Horizontal", "Vertical" and "Stacked Vertical". The horizontal mode is like a banner. You can use it to provide rolling news for your web users. This makes your website more interactive.

新小工具 動態 Feeds 已推出。它是一個滾動式feed閱讀器,它會把頻道裡的條目逐一顯示。小工具內有三種顯示模式 "水平"、"垂直"和"層疊式垂直",水平顯示模式好像一個橫幅。人們可利用它來提供滾動式新聞給網頁用戶,增加網站互動性。

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Modifications of Facebook Apps: Assoc Finance and Investman

Facebook Apps: "Assoc Finance" and "Investman" are changed to use their correspondent Google Gadgets as their main contents.

Facebook Apps: "Assoc Finance" 和 "Investman" 改用它們相應的 Google 小工具 為其主內容。

Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Gadget: Assoc Finance - A + H Shares

New Gadget Assoc Finance - A + H Shares has released. It quotes the listed companies with the A-shares in China and the H-shares in Hong Kong. It can shows the premium and net difference between a A-share and a H-share. The listed companies are classified according to their business. This allows users to check shares in different sectors. Users can also sort fields and select fields to be displayed.

新小工具 Assoc Finance - A + H 股 己推出。它顯示了同時以A股和H股形式的上市公司。除了兩地的股票價格外,小工具會自動計算兩地溢價和淨差距。上市公司已根據業務分為數個類別,方便用戶查看不同類別股票變動。此外,用戶可自行挑選喜歡欄位資料,根據欄位資料排序。

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Gadget: Assoc Finance - Commodities & Indexes Futures

New Gadget Assoc Finance - Commodities & Indexes Futures has released. It displays the futures in energies, metals, grains, livestock, softs and indexes; displays the future chains of a number of commodities & indexes, including Crude Oil, Heating Oil, Natural Gas, Propane Gas, RBOB Gasoline, Aluminum, Copper, Gold 100 oz., Gold, Palladium, Platinum, Silver 5000 oz., Silver, Corn, Oats, Rough Rice, Soybean Meal, Soybean Oil, Soybeans, Feeder Cattle, Frozen Pork Bellies, Lean Hogs, Live Cattle, Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, Lumber, Orange Juice, Sugar, Dow Jones Indus., E-Mini Nasdaq 100, E-Mini S&P 500, Mini Dow Jones Indus.-$5, Nasdaq 100, S&P 500.

新小工具 Assoc Finance - 商品指數期貨 己推出。它顯示了能源、金屬、穀物、牲畜、軟性和指數期貨,更顯示了多個期貨鏈,包括 Crude Oil, Heating Oil, Natural Gas, Propane Gas, RBOB Gasoline, Aluminum, Copper, Gold 100 oz., Gold, Palladium, Platinum, Silver 5000 oz., Silver, Corn, Oats, Rough Rice, Soybean Meal, Soybean Oil, Soybeans, Feeder Cattle, Frozen Pork Bellies, Lean Hogs, Live Cattle, Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, Lumber, Orange Juice, Sugar, Dow Jones Indus., E-Mini Nasdaq 100, E-Mini S&P 500, Mini Dow Jones Indus.-$5, Nasdaq 100, S&P 500.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Gadget: Assoc Finance - Indexes Components

New Gadget Assoc Finance - Indexes Components has released. It displays components of major indexes, including US Dow Jones, UK FTSE100, Germany DAX, France CAC40, Hong Kong HSI & HSCEI, China CSI100, Australia All Ordinaries, and New Zealand NZ50. Users can sort fields and select fields to be displayed.

新小工具 Assoc Finance - 指數成份股 己推出。它顯示了數個重要指數成份股,包括美國道瓊斯、英國富時100、德個DAX、法國CAC40、香港恒指和國企、中國中證100、澳洲普通股和紐西蘭NZ50。用戶可自行挑選喜歡欄位資料,根據欄位資料排序。

New Gadget: Assoc Finance - Stock Market Indexes

New Gadget Assoc Finance - Stock Market Indexes has released. It displays a number of stock market indexes. Users can sort fields and select fields to be displayed. It includes sector indexes of US, UK, Germany, France, Hong Kong, Shanghai, ShenZhen and Australia. This lets users to know the movements of stocks in different sectors.

新小工具 Assoc Finance - 股市指數 己推出。它顯示了多個股市指數,用戶可自行挑選喜歡欄位資料,根據欄位資料排序。小工具包含了美國、英國、德國、法國、香港、上海、深圳和澳洲的分類指數,讓用戶更了解不同類別股票變動。

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Gadget: Feed Reader

New Gadget Feed Reader has released. It is a RSS and Atom reader with translation function, feeds’ content can be translated to more than 50 languages. Reader’s feed list provides a number of well-know media's feeds, including the U.S. CNN, the U.S. Wall Street Journal, the British BBC, the British Reuters, the British Financial Times, the China Xinhua News Agency and Japan's Kyodo News. There are more than 500 channels. Users can choose feeds from feed list or use feed find function to search feeds on the web. Different feeds can be displayed in a page or different tabs, and sorted by publish time. Reader has a new feed alert function. If there are new feeds, reader will give an alert.

新小工具 Feed 閱讀器 己推出。它是一個附有翻譯功能的RSS和Atom閱讀器,用戶可把RSS/Atom內容翻譯成超過80種語言文字。閱讀器的頻道列表提供了數個知名新聞媒體,包括美國CNN、美國華爾街日報、英國BBC、英國路透社、英國金融時報、中國新華社、日本共同社,合供超過500個頻道。用戶可從頻道列表或使用網上頻道找尋功,挑選喜歡的頻道內容。不同頻道內容可結合一頁或分頁,由新至舊或舊至新排序顯示。用戶可設定自動更新時間,最快每分鐘更新一次。若訂閱了的RSS/Atom有新內容,閱讀器會有提示,方便查閱。

New version of Gadget Investman Series

New versions of Gadget Investman Series: Investman, Investman - World Indices, Investman - Commodities & Futures, and Investman - Exchange Rates, have been released.

新版本的 Investman 系列: Investman, Investman - World Indices, Investman - Commodities & Futures, 和 Investman - Exchange Rates, 已經推出。