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Saturday, January 30, 2010

New Gadget: Dynamic Feeds

New Gadget Dynamic Feeds has released. It is a rolling feed reader. It will display each entry in a feed one by one automatically. There are three display modes "Horizontal", "Vertical" and "Stacked Vertical". The horizontal mode is like a banner. You can use it to provide rolling news for your web users. This makes your website more interactive.

新小工具 動態 Feeds 已推出。它是一個滾動式feed閱讀器,它會把頻道裡的條目逐一顯示。小工具內有三種顯示模式 "水平"、"垂直"和"層疊式垂直",水平顯示模式好像一個橫幅。人們可利用它來提供滾動式新聞給網頁用戶,增加網站互動性。