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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Gadget: Assoc Finance - DIY Forex Indexes

New Gadget Assoc Finance - DIY Forex Indexes has released. It is a gadget for making DIY currency indexes. Users can customize base currency, base point, component currencies and weights, then compare with the data on the base day in order to calculate the average of changes. DIY currency index is that the base point multiplies the average of changes. Gadget also includes exchange rates and allow users to sort fields and select fields to be displayed.

新小工具 Assoc Finance - DIY 外匯指數 己推出。它是一個可以自製貨幣指數的小工具。用戶可以自定基準貨幣、基準點、成份貨幣和比重,與基準日數據進行比較,計算出成份貨幣相對基準貨幣的平均變動百分比,然後把基準點乘以變動百分比,這就是自製貨幣指數。小工具包含匯率顯示,用戶可自行挑選喜歡欄位資料,根據欄位資料排序。