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Monday, May 17, 2010

New Gadget: G.Map - Your Location

New Gadget G.Map - Your Location has released. It uses Google Map to show the geographical location of users. There are two modes "Static" and "Dynamic". Your commpany website can use static mode to tell their customers where your location is. Dynamic mode will detect the location of the guest by their IP. If using "Static" and "Dynamic" modes at the same time, this lets your users know the distance between you and them.

新小工具 G.Map - 你的地理位置 己推出。它使用Google地圖顯示用戶的地理位置,小工具有 "固定"和"動態"兩種設定位置模式。公司網站可設定"固定"經緯度,讓客戶知道其實際地理位置,"動態"模式可以判斷訪客的IP地理位置。如兩種模式配合使用,可以讓你的訪客知道你們的地理差距。