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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Gadget: YouTube Video Search

New Gadget YouTube Video Search has released. It is a gadget allowing users to search and watch videos from YouTube on iGoogle. Users can setup query parameters for searching, including location, titles and tags. There are lists of videos that reflect YouTube user behavior, such as top rated, top favorites, most viewed and most popular etc.

新小工具 YouTube 影片搜尋 己推出。它是一個小工具讓用戶在 iGoogle 上搜尋和播放 YouTube 影片。用戶可以設定查詢參數過濾搜尋,包括位置、標題和標籤。另有數個影片列表反映 YouTube 用戶行為,例如最高評分、熱門收藏、最多人看和最受歡迎等等。